Personal growth is the ongoing process of understanding and developing oneself in order to achieve one's fullest potential. Personal development is a vital part in a person's growth , maturity, success and happiness. It is the foundation of emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual health, but do these definitions necessarily define one’s mind within their personal lives? Growing up, my opinion on personal growth was something I'd see as something for perfectionists, in which I wasn't. I didn’t have big dreams, I just wanted any job in order to get by. I didn’t really care about my grades as my only goal was to pass. I was content with who I was and what I had so why go through the process of improving myself when I felt this is good enough already, enough for me to survive. As I grew older, I realized change is inevitable; you’re never going to be the same person you were yesterday and as humans we are all destined to evolve. I probably wouldn’t have wri...
For this section, I would now like to talk about the dangers of having too many positive relationships or mastering personal growth to a point in which they are now seen as someone powerful. We all hope to gain power, preserve it and defend ourselves against powerful people who make our life miserable; but too much power can do very odd things to your head and can result in one being unhappy when self-growth’s ultimate goal is happiness. An example of this is the true story of Henry Hill portrayed by Ray Liotta in the iconic film “Goodfellas”. Growing up, Henry always wanted to be a gangster. He worked very hard to advance himself through the ranks and with his friends: Jimmy and Tommy, he began to climb from being a petty criminal to a gangster on the mean streets of New York. He enjoyed a life of money and luxury but a drug addiction and a few mistakes caused his downfall. This film de-glamorizes gangsters as they are always seen as cool and calculated charac...